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研途情报站 | 学术信息汇总(05.12)

作者: 访问量:213发布时间:2023-05-12



报告人:张锦华 研究员

报告时间:05月12日 14:30-15:30





报告时间:2023年5月15日 14:00-15:00



报告题目:A Co-Opetitive Game Analysis of Platform Compatibility Strategies Under Add-on Services



报告时间:2023年5月12日 15:00-18:00



Large-scale platforms (LSPs) with valuation and awareness advantages have enabled competing small-scale platforms (SSPs) to be embedded in their platforms. This compatibility strategy creates a new channel, the compatible channel, through which customers can purchase services from an SSP via the LSP. Meanwhile, more platforms have been introducing add-on services to enhance their profitability. This study develops stylized game models to characterize the interaction between an LSP and an SSP, and explores their strategic and operational decisions on platform compatibility under add-on services. Our major research findings are as follows. First, we identify the conditions for platform compatibility: compatibility becomes an equilibrium strategy if the proportion of demand through the compatible channel falls within an intermediate range. Second, compatibility has opposite impacts on service pricing: At a low proportion of demand through the compatible channel, the two platforms engage in a price war; otherwise, they both raise prices. Finally, some model extensions further verify the robustness of the conclusions.


李武(Kevin W. Li),现任加拿大温莎大学Odette商学院教授。1991年获厦门大学控制科学理学学士学位,1994年获厦门大学系统工程工学硕士学位,2003年获加拿大滑铁卢大学系统设计工程博士学位。2011年6月~12月和2015年5月~7月由日本学术振兴会(JSPS)外籍聘用研究员项目资助到东京工业大学价值与决策科学系进行访问研究。主要研究方向:物流与供应链管理、决策理论与方法、冲突分析。其研究获得三项加拿大自然科学与工程研究基金会(NSERC)发现基金项目的支持。自2001年以来,在《European Journal of Operational Research》、《IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems》、《IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics》、《Information Sciences》、《International Journal of Production Economics》、《International Journal of Production Research》、《Transportation Research》、《Water Resources Research》等国际期刊发表67篇学术论文,被国内外同行广泛引用,SCI/SSCI累计引用2552次,h指数30。现任SSCI期刊《Group Decision and Negotiation》的副主编以及其他多家SCI/SSCI期刊编委。




报告时间:2023年5月13日 15:00-18:00





兑红炎,男,郑州大学 管理学院,教授,博士,博士生导师,河南省高校科技创新人才、河南省青年骨干教师、学术技术带头人。从事复杂网络优化(韧性、脆弱性、稳定性等)、智能集群及制造系统大数据可靠性管理(集群对抗、保障体系、机械制造系统故障诊断等);长期从事的重要度理论成果获得省部级自然科学奖;所提出的综合重要度计算方法已经被美国SAS系统JMP软件采用。主持2项国家自然科学基金、教育部规划基金、国际合作基金、装备发展部预研基金、科技处重大专项子课题等。发表SCI等学术期刊论文92篇,出版学术专著2部。担任国际期刊《Journal of Risk and Reliability》,《International Journal of Mathematical, Engineering and Management Sciences》等编委。

报告题目:Taming the Long Tail: The Gambler's Fallacy in Intermittent Demand Management



报告时间:2023年5月17日 15:00-17:00



“Long tail” products with intermittent demand often tie up valuable warehouse space and capital investment for many companies. Furthermore, the paucity of demand data poses additional challenges for model estimation and performance evaluation. Traditional inventory solutions are not designed for products with intermittent demand. In this paper, we propose a new framework to optimize the choice of “replenishment timing” and “replenishment quantity” for managing the inventory metrics of long tail products, when evaluated over a finite horizon. Our analysis is motivated by a recent interesting observation that the gambler’s fallacy phenomenon actually holds in a finite number of coin tosses. We use this phenomenon to analyze the inventory problem for intermittent demand to demonstrate that classical inventory models using KPIs such as fill rate, average cost per cycle, or average cost per unit, etc., must necessarily “bias” the underlying demand distribution to account for the finite horizon effect. We provide the exact closed-form expressions of the biased distribution to account for this effect in performance evaluation. The results show that the choice of replenishment timing and replenishment quantity is essential to superior performanceon several key inventory metrics. For long tail products, the belief that it is less likely for another demand to arrive shortly after a preceding one (the gambler’s fallacy), turns out to be true when performance is tabulated over a finite horizon, even if demands across time are independent. So it pays to delay the replenishment of depleted stocks to save on holding cost and warehouse space. Managers can optimize the replenishment timing, besides choosing the replenishment quantity, to optimize the performance metrics of several classes of inventory problems. This is especially useful for companies managing a large number of long tail products.


Bi Sheng is currently an assistant professor at School of Information Management and Engineering, Shanghai University of Finance and Economics. She received her Ph.D. degree in Analytics and Operations from National University of Singapore in 2021 and her Bachelor's degree in Industrial Engineering from Nanjing University in 2016. Her research interests are in the area of data-driven optimization, supply chain management and socially responsible operations.

报告题目:Stochastic Robust Facility Location: A Nested Decomposition Approach



报告时间:2023年5月18日 16:00-18:00



In this work, we investigate a broad class of facility location problems in the context of adaptive robust stochastic optimization. A state-wise ambiguity set is employed to model the distributional uncertainty associated with the demand in different states, where the conditional distributional characteristics in each state are described by support, mean as well as dispersion measures, which are conic representable. A robust sensitivity analysis is performed in which on the one hand we analyze the impact of the change in ambiguity set parameters (e.g., state probabilities, mean value abounds and dispersion bounds in different states) onto the optimal worst-case expected total cost using the ambiguity dual variables. On the other hand, we analyze the impact of the change in location design onto the worst-case expected second-stage cost, and show that the sensitivity bounds are fully described as the worst-case expected shadow capacity cost. As for the solution approach, we propose a nested Benders decomposition algorithm for solving the model exactly, which leverages the subgradients of the worst-case expected second-stage cost at the location decisions formed insightfully by the associated worst-case distributions. The nested Benders decomposition approach ensures a finite-step convergence, which can also be regarded as an extension of the classic L-shaped algorithm for two-stage stochastic programming to our state-wise robust stochastic facility location problem with conic representable ambiguity. Finally, the results of a series of numerical experiments are presented which justify the value of the state-wise distributional information incorporated in our robust stochastic facility location model, the robustness of the model and the performance of the exact solution approach.


中国科学院大学经济与管理学院王曙明教授,主要从事鲁棒优化与随机规划研究及其在选址与物流网络优化、供应链风险管理、库存与收益管理、健康医疗管理等领域的应用。研究成果分别发表于Production and Operations Management, INFORMS Journal on Computing, Transportation Science, IISE Transactions, Naval Research Logistics, IEEE Trans. Cybernetics等权威杂志上。目前担任运筹学著名期刊《Computers and Operations Research》的领域编辑(Area Editor).
